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Case - Barba

Logo and website development for an IT company in Düsseldorf
This project involved creating a unique logo and a modern website for an IT company in Düsseldorf. The logo was developed with the brand's individuality, goals and specifics of its activities in mind.

The website was created with an emphasis on clear information, effective communication, and user-friendly design
  • UX/UI design
  • Strategy
  • Site development
  • SEO promotion

For the sale of products, the task was to develop an easy-to-use, stylish online store.

Getting to the site, users should be able to easily and quickly find the desired category of products, as well as be able to contact the store using messengers or mobile communication.

Home page

Developed a thoughtful and creative main page of the site, where the main blocks were placed. On the page you can familiarize yourself with popular products, novelties, promotions and services.

Other pages

We worked on each internal page in detail, preserving the unity of the design concept and functionality.

Do you want 
to become 
the market leader 
in your niche?

Sergey Sukhoruchenkov
Owner Tempus Agency

We will help you increase your profits
by 2-3 times or more through a comprehensive approach and the right strategy.

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