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Case - Spravno

Development of a clinic website
Corporate website for a clinic specializing in eliminating the causes of pain.
  • UX/UI design
  • Project strategy
  • Website development

The client approached us before the clinic was opened. The client's requirement was to create a strict and conservative design.

Our goal was to give the website a modern look and make it understandable for clients, as the topic of pain treatment is not sufficiently disclosed on the Internet.

Project components
CMS WordPress and Oxygen Builder were chosen because they are the best option for promoting and managing content for corporate websites.
Content management system
2 languages
Editing pages
site builder
On-page SEO optimization
Home page

The design of the site uses elements of Swiss design, in particular, an emphasis on simplicity, fonts, straight lines and graphics.

One of the unique elements is the illustrations of the sections of the site. The home page contains a video that makes the site more interactive and introduces users to the clinic.

Website Sections

The page content is divided into 3 parts:

Header: has a title, illustrations and a conversion button.

Left side (content):structured with bullet points, icons, in Swiss design style to make it easier for users to perceive the content.

Right side: contains site navigation elements and additional conversion components.

Other pages

We worked on each internal page in detail, preserving the unity of the design concept and functionality.

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Sergey Sukhoruchenkov
Owner Tempus Agency

We will help you increase your profits
by 2-3 times or more through a comprehensive approach and the right strategy.

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